The Story

Hi I’m Sydney!  Your behind the scenes airbnb hostess with the mostess !After years of traveling the world and chasing waves, I ended up back in my hometown of Charleston.  Southern Shangri La was inspired by all those places I was lucky enough to call a temporary home.

Charleston, SC born and raised. After graduating college and giving the 9-5 a good try, I moved to Australia for a year and ever since have been doing whatever I could do to continue traveling and surfing. My travel experiences played a major role in wanting to be an airbnb host and help others create travel memories of their own in the city that I love and grew up in.  I’ve formed some of the best relationships staying in Airbnb’s and meeting people from all over the world.

I’m now often on the move, but there is something about Charleston that always draws me back home.  It’s truly a little southern gem and I find so much joy in helping others enjoy everything the beautiful city has to offer!

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